Thursday 20 April 2017


Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease which means a person is born with the disease inherited from both of their parents with cystic fibrosis gene, because cystic fibrosis is associated with genetic condition, a defective gene causes the body to create a really thick mucus especially within the lungs and other parts of the body, because this mucus builds up massively in the lungs it makes it difficult to breathe in which individuals with cystic fibrosis would require enormous amount of energy when doing any physical activity.

Can cystic fibrosis be transmitted from one person to another? well, of course not, cystic fibrosis is not contagious where you either have it when you’re born or you don’t. People with cystic fibrosis tend to look physically normal on the outside just like normal people, but on the inside, their organs are actually working excessively just to function properly, people with cystic fibrosis must be very careful to not get sick, this is because the mucus in their body holds on to the germs and bacteria making it very hard for recovery in which they could end up in the hospital for months.

So how does people with cystic fibrosis keep themselves healthy? well, the only way they could do so is to keep their lungs away from the mucus as possible by putting on a special vest known as “ High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation(vest)” which helps to shaken their body and get rid of the mucus, in order to keep healthy, they also need to take lots of medicine around 40-60 pills a day which is 360 pills a week and 1500 pills in a month.

Is there any chance of curing cystic fibrosis? well, there is no cure for the time being in which scientist are still working on some research and experiments to produce one in an effort to provide beneficial and improve life quality of people suffering from cystic fibrosis.